Friday May 16, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm CDT
Black women’s bodies are sites of wealth, wellness, and abundance. In this interactive workshop, join Erin Trent Johnson, founder of BlackMamaBody, for an exploration of the lineage of Black women’s spiritual, ecological, and embodied healing practice.

We are in a time of divine feminine revolution. The earth is raging from the abuses of colonial extraction and capitalist exploitation. These same systems have stolen African bodies, labor, land, and resources for centuries. Yet, we know how to do more than just survive. We have life-systems of repair, rebellion, and spiritual resources within our bodies that are aligned with spirit. We make a way out of no way. In this session, we will explore the liberatory possibility of connecting with our body's gut feelings, intuition and sensorial inner knowing. Trusting in our source of creation allows us to manifest health from our inherent worth and our core values.

Black women’s bodies are divine ecosystems within social systems. We be knowin’! Our bodies are sites of viral imagination. We be sharin’! In the face of terror, we have created ways to open roads and imagine pathways to freedom. When we trust our inner wealth, worthiness, and wisdom, we can practice everyday colonial rebellion. We have the radical possibility to see the unseen to heal the wounds of body-mind-spirit. Our healing is communal alchemy that has the power to transmute forces of destruction. When our bodies heal, all bodies and the earth can thrive.

Using the lens of spiritual somatic activism, we will explore the ways African-descended women have always had the tools for our collective wellness, ecological health, and liberation.

In this session, we will explore various ways that African-descended women’s earth-honoring, spiritual liberatory practice including ATRs, ADRs, Hoodoo, Astrology, divination, and African cosmologies of care and deep root medicine.

Erin will guide us through somatic practices that allow us to regulate our nervous systems and tap into our inner source of power. We will then visit the crossroads of the gut-brain axis to metabolize generational wounding, elevate conscious awareness of survival and trauma responses, and discover the digestive system powers of discernment, choice, and free will that can support collective healing, liberation, and transformation.
Friday May 16, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm CDT
CIRCLE IN THE GARDENS 1418 Governor Nicholls St, NOLA 70116

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