Friday March 21, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
For generations, Hoodoo practitioners have turned to the Book of Psalms as a sacred source of power, protection, and manifestation. But beyond the pulpit and prayer closet, the Psalms have long been wielded as invocations, spells, and petitions in the African American folk magic tradition. This session delves into the rich history of Psalmic work in ritual, conjure, and ceremonial magic, offering insight into how these sacred songs have been used to bless, bind, heal, and hex.

Together, we will explore the crossroads of Christian scripture and Hoodoo tradition, challenging colonial readings of the text and forging a Churchy Hoodoo Hermeneutic—one that honors both the spiritual depth and magical potency of the Psalms. Whether you’re a seasoned rootworker or just beginning to reclaim your sacred inheritance, this session will equip you with a deeper understanding of how to work the Psalms with intention, authority, and reverence. Because make no mistake—the Psalms ain’t nothing to play with.
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D. Danyelle Thomas

Founder, Unfit Christian
D. Danyelle Thomas, MPP is a Black faith and spirituality speaker, author, public theologian, spiritualist, and activist. Founder of Unfit Christian, her work and words have been featured in Rolling Stone, Essence, the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT

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