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Thursday, May 15

11:30am CDT

MOON LODGE: a reclamation of womb wellness
Thursday May 15, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT

Moon Lodge is a ceremony to honor and celebrate our wombs through body literacy and ancestral insight. 

"Red Tents" are spaces intentionally co-created for us to share, connect and authentically be. They are spaces for women to share their stories, rest and gain strength from being together and supporting one another. *When I say women I include those of both cisgender and transgender experience, non-binary trans femme, intersex and gender-expansive people.

Body literacy is listening, learning, and understanding your body through focusing on your menstrual cycle, to measure your overall health. To gain ancestral insight is to look to the wisdom and tap into the ways of your ancestors. 

This session will offer:
  • an intimate circle to safely talk about your relationship with your menstrual cycle and intentions to reconnect to your womb through ancestral insight.
  • support to learn your body’s natural rhythms and find natural solutions for cycle issues. 

Thursday May 15, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
CIRCLE IN THE GARDENS 1418 Governor Nicholls St, NOLA 70116

2:15pm CDT

Thursday May 15, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
Are you ready to deepen your relationship with your ancestors
through meditation? Are you looking to understand clearly your
purpose in this lifetime from an indigenous African view? Look no
further, this workshop is rooted in the origin wisdom of the Dagara
Tradition in Burkina Faso to understand elemental medicine: fire,
water, mineral, earth and nature. We will also connect to Tenbalu and
Tingan through ritual. As brought to us by world-renowned author,
teacher, diviner; initiated Dagara Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé.
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
CIRCLE IN THE GARDENS 1418 Governor Nicholls St, NOLA 70116
Friday, May 16

11:30am CDT

Friday May 16, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
It will be a "Red Tent Moon Lodge", to honor and celebrate our wombs through body literacy.
Body literacy is listening, learning, and understanding your body through focusing on your menstrual cycle, to measure your overall health. We'll be tapping into our ancestral practices, natural rhythms, and changes to help us understand our cycle as a vital sign.

Friday May 16, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
CIRCLE IN THE GARDENS 1418 Governor Nicholls St, NOLA 70116

2:15pm CDT

Friday May 16, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
Are you ready to deepen your relationship with your ancestors
through meditation? Are you looking to understand clearly your
purpose in this lifetime from an indigenous African view? Look no
further, this workshop is rooted in the origin wisdom of the Dagara
Tradition in Burkina Faso to understand elemental medicine: fire,
water, mineral, earth and nature. We will also connect to Tenbalu and
Tingan through ritual. As brought to us by world-renowned author,
teacher, diviner; initiated Dagara Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé.
Friday May 16, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
CIRCLE IN THE GARDENS 1418 Governor Nicholls St, NOLA 70116

7:00pm CDT

Friday May 16, 2025 7:00pm - 9:00pm CDT

Before the ceremony, prepare in the day by eating lighter foods and hydrating.
Come with a focused intention that you want to work on for yourself.
Plan to arrive between 7-7:30PM. Once we open the circle we will be unable to grant anyone late entry so, please give yourself plenty of time to arrive without rushing.

Please bring:
• something to sit on (this circle will take place outside sitting on the Earth)
• water
• Journal/pen (optional)

Please note that Rapeh is not a psycho-active or psychedelic substance. This medicine, made from a base of Amazonian tobacco, helps us to clear our mind and ground into the earth. It can sometimes cause a stinging or burning sensation and occasionally causes purging. The “effect” can last anywhere from 5-30+ minutes, depending on how present you are with the medicine. You will be able to walk/drive etc. and attend the Black Panther screening afterwards with no issue.

Rapeh (pronounced ha-peh) is a Sacred Earth Medicine from the Amazon region that helps support increased clarity and sense of grounding when used with reverence and respect. Rapeh, also known as Shamanic snuff, is a blend of tobacco with other healing plants and roots that is blown into the nose using a tepi (applicator). While Nicotine may be a widely abused substance in our modern world, for many indigenous cultures, tobacco is a sacred plant known to cleanse both individuals and ceremonial spaces.
Building a relationship with Rapeh can;

Focus and sharpen the mind.

Clears a person or space of distracting, bad energies in preparation for intention setting.
Detox both body and mind, and clear your energetic field (because of this, rapeh is often used in conjunction with other medicine ceremonies)

Clear sinuses of mucus and bacteria, thereby helping to combat colds and respiratory ailments.
Provide a calming, grounding effect on the emotions that lasts much longer than the initial sensation.

Can be used in conjunction with other treatments for addiction and mental illness
Friday May 16, 2025 7:00pm - 9:00pm CDT
Saturday, May 17

2:00pm CDT

Saturday May 17, 2025 2:00pm - 4:30pm CDT
Saturday May 17, 2025 2:00pm - 4:30pm CDT
Congo Square 701 N Rampart St, New Orleans, LA 70116
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