About me
Ade Efunbukola is an author, Ifa priest, linguist, social media influencer,
and app developer. Ade is the second generation in his family to initiate into
the priesthood of an African spiritual tradition. His interest in African
spirituality came first from watching his father play his role as Akomfo
(priest of the Akan spiritual tradition). In the year 2013, Ade initiated to
Obatala in Abeokuta Nigeria, which was then followed by his Ifa initiation.
He has since developed several Ifa related apps and games. He creates
educational African spiritual content through his social media. He teaches
classes on African spirituality. He has been studying Yoruba language
intensely for the past five years and is semi-fluent. In the year 2022, he
published his first book titled: The African American Griot: Proverbs in Hip
Hop and R&B.